Best Supplements For Healthy Skin

I do not know about you, but I grew up in a house with a medicine cabinet filled with creams and supplements, each with the same claims: to reverse the signs of aging, moisturize, reduce wrinkles, and tone the skin.
Whether topical or oral, these creams and supplements are still all over the shelves today and the market for anti aging is growing as our population continues to grow older.

The market is there, but are the products all they claim to be? 
The supplements that littered the shelves of my parent’s medicine cabinets are known as nutricosmetics or nutraceuticals. These are the dietary supplements that have been developed for use in the beauty care industry, such as for altering the appearance of skin.
The market for nutricosmetics is colossal and it is growing as it is projected to reach $7.93 billion by the year 2025 (1).
This is no surprise, as we know that the general population is getting older, and with that comes the want to look younger. Therefore, the market for these anti-aging products are growing every day.
It can be easy to fall prey to claims and advertising schemes, but there is research to back up many of the supplements out there today.

How Our Skin Ages

Much of the aging process is due to time, as we get older in age, our skin follows. We can also attribute the way we age to our genetics.
In a sense, our aging process is predetermined and hard wired into our DNA. However, not all of the aging process is out of our control.
Diet and sun exposure play a huge role in the aging process. This is where much of the available supplements come into play. By providing our body the necessary nutrients, we can prevent and reverse some signs of aging, and that is exactly what we are trying to do.
Because we know we can use supplements to prevent aging, the market has skyrocketed. However, there are so many marketed today to improve the health and integrity of the skin, which are actually doing what they say claim and have the research to back it up?
This review will work to share the top supplements for skin health today. While the list may surprise you, these supplements have been tested and shown efficacy in many clinical trials.

5 Helpful Supplements for Skin Health

Collagen Peptides
Probiotics and Prebiotics
Essential Fatty Acids
Green Tea



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