Tea Tree Oil For Hair Growth

Thinning hair is every woman’s worst nightmare. That being said, growing your hair can be tough, and it doesn’t help when you are surrounded by people who have hair that grows at the speed of light. But what if I told you that it does not have to be so hard? There are ways in which you can restore your hair back to its former glory.

I’m going to give it to you straight and say that there are no miracle solutions that can give you thick and long hair overnight. However, there are remedies that can help stimulate hair re-growth and boost the rate at which your hair grows. Tea tree oil has been gaining popularity as one such treatment. But before we get into the nitty gritty of how it works, let’s take a look at what it is.
Tea tree oil is an essential oil that is extracted from the tea tree shrub. It is native to Australia. It has strong antimicrobial properties that have made it a popular remedy for treating issues of the scalp and skin (1). It is often used in cosmetic products like shampoos and conditioners, and to treat issues like dandruff and acne.

How Does Tea Tree Oil Promote Hair Growth?

Tea tree oil improves the circulation of blood, which helps to flush out toxins and stimulate dormant hair follicles. The antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties of tea tree oil ensure that your hair stays clean and healthy. The improved scalp health makes the follicles more receptive to nutrition, and the unclogged pores help promote unhindered hair growth (2).

Does Tea Tree Oil Work For Oily Hair?

Yes, it does! For greasy hair, the essential oil helps unclog pores and calms down the overzealous sebaceous glands. More often than not, hair loss is a direct result of clogged follicles and an irritated scalp. It also improves scalp health on the whole with its antimicrobial properties.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Hair Growth

Tea tree oil can be used on dry and oily hair types to improve hair growth. You can add various ingredients to this essential oil to create the perfect hair growth solution for your hair.
One of the best ways to use tea tree oil is in combination with other carrier oils. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use tea tree oil to stop hair loss and promote hair growth.

Using Tea Tree Oil With A Carrier Oil For Hair Growth

Tea tree oil needs to be diluted before you can use it. By combining a few drops of the essential oil with your regular hair oil, you can create a hair growth solution that boosts scalp health. While tea tree oil induces new hair growth, the carrier oil will help nourish your follicles. This can work to your advantage if you already know what oils work best for your hair. If not, read on to find out which oils will best suit your hair type.

You Will Need

  • 2 tablespoons of any carrier oil
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • Bowl for mixing
  • Hot towel

How To Apply

  1. Combine the carrier oil with the tea tree oil in a mixing bowl.
  2. Heat the oil mixture until it is slightly warm. Do not use a microwave as it may cause nutrition loss. Instead, place the bowl containing the oil mixture in a larger bowl that contains hot water.
  3. Section your hair and rub the warmed oil onto your scalp and along the length of your hair.
  4. Once your entire scalp is covered in the oil, massage it for 10 minutes.
  5. Wrap a hot damp towel around your head. This will create a warm environment that will help open up and unclog your follicles.
  6. Wait with the towel on for 20 minutes and then rinse out the oil with shampoo and conditioner.
  7. Optionally, you can leave the oil in your hair overnight.

How Often

Since washing your hair too often can be detrimental to hair health, it is recommended that you treat your hair with hot oil not more than three times a week. Oily hair types can use lighter oils like jojoba or olive.


  • Do not overheat the oil as it can lose nutrients and you also run the risk of burning your scalp.
  • It is completely normal for your scalp to feel a little tingly during and after this treatment.

1. Use Tea Tree Oil With Olive Oil For Hair Growth

Olive oil is a natural conditioner that improves the health of your hair and its elasticity (3). This keeps your hair from breaking. It is also light and does not weigh your hair down, which makes it perfect for all hair types. Olive oil, by itself, is also linked to hair re-growth. In combination with tea tree oil, it makes a hydrating hair growth remedy.

Ideal For

Because of its light weight and hydrating properties, olive oil can be used by everyone regardless of their hair type. It leaves that hair feeling soft and silky, while keeping it moisturized.

2. Tea Tree Oil With Jojoba Oil For Hair Growth

Jojoba oil is very similar to the natural oils present in your scalp. More often than not, the reason your hair gets oily is that your sebaceous glands are pushed into overdrive because of dry conditions. Using jojoba oil calms them down while making your hair stronger and promoting hair growth. It also minimizes the damage caused by heat styling and makes your hair soft and shiny (4).

Ideal For

Because of how light this oil is, it is perfect for oily hair types. In fact, with regular use, jojoba oil can control the amount of oil produced and thereby also reduce hair fall.

3. Castor Oil And Tea Tree Oil For Hair Growth

Castor oil is hailed as a miracle solution for hair loss (5). It nourishes your follicles and hair with omega-9 fatty acids. It strengthens dry hair while nourishing and hydrating it. Because of its thick and sticky consistency, castor oil can be used better in combination with a lighter carrier oil like coconut or olive. Not only will it promote hair growth, but also boost the rate at which your hair grows.

Ideal For

The thick consistency of castor oil makes it ideal for dry and damaged hair types. To one part of castor oil, add two parts of a lighter carrier oil and 10 drops of tea tree oil.

Other Benefits Of Applying Tea Tree Oil On Your Hair

  • Tea tree oil is an effective cure for dandruff and lice. If you have a lice problem, a tea tree shampoo will make dealing with it a whole lot easier.
  • It treats dry and oily scalps and restores the pH levels of your scalp.
  • Soothes itching and irritation.

Can You Apply Tea Tree Oil Directly Onto Your Hair?

While a few drops of tea tree oil can be rubbed directly onto your scalp, it would be a waste to apply it directly onto your hair. A little bit of this essential oil goes a long way so it is recommended to dilute it with other carrier oils before applying it onto your hair.

How Long Can You Leave Tea Tree Oil In Your Hair?

Tea tree oil, when used in small amounts and in combination with other oils, can be left in overnight as a deep conditioning treatment. However, when using it by itself as a scalp treatment, it’s better to wash it off within an hour to avoid possible irritation.
Remember, hair fall is not the end of the world. There are ways in which you can remedy it, and tea tree oil makes for one such effective treatment. Follow these natural hair growth treatments to thicken your hair and keep it healthy.
Have you ever tried tea tree oil? Tell us about your experience in the comments section below.


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