Picking and Popping The Derm: Heidi Waldorf, M.D., Director of Laser And Cosmetic Dermatology, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York City It was Jerry Seinfeld who gave dermatologists the "Pimple Popper M.D." moniker. The truth is, Mr. Seinfeld, we express, drain, and extract, but, we never, ever pop. The difference lies in the details of semantics and technique. Squeezing a blemish (often with bacteria-laden fingertips), creates a lot of inflammation in the skin, sometimes leaving behind scars and discoloration. If a zit is too big to bear, try to see your dermatologist for an injection of cortisone, or put on a bit of benzoyl peroxide to bring that baby down. Chronic breakouts should be managed with medical regimen tailored specifically to your type of skin and acne. Pickers, Waldorf and I urge you, find your zen zone. Do not take that anxiety out on the skin (more on this later).